Sunday, October 28, 2007

Hello, and welcome to Boomer in Baja, the blog of Melinda Bates, transplanted East Coast girl now living in Baja California Norte, Mexico.

I'm a proud part of the first year of Baby Boomers, born in 1946. All my life, for reasons I don't completely understand, I have found myself on the leading edge of things. Deciding, for my own purposes, to do something, pursue something that interests me, and finding shortly after, that millions of people coming up behind me are interested in exactly the same things. So, when I quit my job, and sold my home of 30 years to move to a little house on the beach in Baja, I figured there will be a lot of my contemporaries following soon enough.

This blog (at least to start) is about my experiences with that move, the process of divesting oneself of a lifetime of acquisitions, moving to a place where I knew no one, adjusting to a new and very different country, gutting and rebuilding a house, in Mexico!, and settling in to a new life of writing.

This post is a brief introduction, a scout, so to speak, with many more to follow. I'll add photos of our new life, and political musings, and descriptions of life in Mexico. I look forward to hearing from new friends of all ages, and from all over. So, once again, welcome to Boomer in Baja!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What fun! As a fellow "Boomer in Baja," albeit slightly younger, I look forward to reading your blog regularly and seeing how our experiences compare.
