Monday, July 27, 2009

According to a reknowned Princeton economist, if we do nothing to our current health care system, in 10 years the average, non-aged family of 4 will be paying $36,000 per year for health insurance.

Everybody here who thinks that's just swell raise your hand! Anybody?

Anybody think your pay will go up enough to make that affordable? Anybody?

So, when the President tells us the current system is unsustainable, and we have NO CHOICE but to fix it NOW, just what part of that do we not get?

One of my clearest White House memories is of hearing President Clinton talk about change. How scary it is for many people (see: "birthers"). But also, what are the choices? You can dig in your heels, hold your breath, close your eyes and shout "I don't want change, I don't want change, I don't want change!" but guess what? Change still gonna come.

That being so, the ONLY other choice is to look change in the eye, give it a big ol' embrace, and figure out how to make the change work for us. THAT'S where power and prosperity lie.

Republicans remind me of two-year-olds, stamping their feet because it's someone else's birthday and they don't get all the toys. If their tantrum spoils the day for everyone else, well, does a two-year-old care? Actually, that's what the two-year-old WANTS, isn't it?

Are we really gonna let them run our discourse and progress on this? Come on!

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